Why People Keep Talking About This Hamlet Guy?

Hamlet is a play that has entertained for 400 years ago and continues to entertain today. Hamlet is a show of the human character at its finest. The play addresses numerous of the darker elements of human nature including lust, betrayal, revenge, sexism, and suicide and do it in a way that are relatable and entertaining. The darker elements of human nature aren’t easily discussed because we want to believe we are above them, however, Hamlet directly addresses the topics. The play is a tragedy and shows the terrible reactions and effects they can have on oneself and others. For example, Hamlet’s decision to get revenge essentially puts the culmination of events into action and leads to the death of himself, his friends, and his family.  Many movie references are inspired by Hamlet including Lion King, Star Wars, and Coraline. Hamlet evokes emotions and presents ideas that are timeless and that’s why many directors gravitate towards it. We can see the darker elements mentioned above throughout human history and as long as humanity continues I think this kind of thing will continue to happen. Hamlet brings the elements to light and give us a reason to discuss them.   We can see Hamlet’s influence in Waiting For Godot in that they both present ideas of existentialism and whether one’s life is worth living. Hamlet contemplates suicide to rid himself of the many struggles he is dealing in his “To be or not to be” monologue just as Valdimir and Estragon contemplate suicide to rid themselves of a life of waiting.

Ok, now that I just edited my blog post to try to meet your standards. I just want to fully explain in full why I disagree with the way you decided to do the blog posts. You want us to have our own opinions in these blog posts, however, how can one express his own genuine opinion when we are required to have a different opinion than everyone else? Isn’t it possible that some people have similar opinions on some topics? When I originally posted this blog I had written my own genuine opinion on this topic but it wasn’t good enough because someone else had a similar opinion. So what should I do? I can either express my real opinion or lie to get a good grade. So I guess in this situation academic honesty doesn’t completely coincide with academic success.

I normally don’t have any problems with the blog posts but I am dissatisfied with this restriction as I had to spend my time to go back and change my post to what I think you would approve of. This isn’t what I imagined the blog posts would turn into. I wouldn’t expect you to completely change everything about the blog posts to appease me, as I know that not everyone had a problem with them, but I just hope you take this into consideration.


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